The Architecture Annual / 2005-2006


Delft University of Technology

Categorie:Kunst & Cultuur / Onderwerp: Architectuur 84
Cover van het boek 'The Architecture Annual / 2005-2006'
Uitgevers 010, 010 Uitgeverij
Uitgavejaar 2007


1234506 15 December 2005 The Rich Persia trip to Iran07 Exhibition organized by ParsNL8910111213 December 2005 Emergency Housing in Bam14 Workshop organized by the Faculty Speakers: Wim Poelman, Shore Shahnoori,15 Andreas Vogler, Helena Aguilar, Mick Eekhout, Tom Avermaete and Rita Moens16 December 2005 A New Stylos Pavilion (round one)17 Announcement of the shortlist of contenders in the competition to design a new pavilion18 for Stylos. Those shortlisted had the opportunity to further flesh out their designs for a full19 three months under supervision, after which a jury chose the winner.202122232425262728293031123405 06 January 2006 Team 1006 Symposium occasioned by the eponymous exhibition in the Netherlands Architecture07 Institute (NAi)8910 January 2006 Cardboard in Architecture, Art and Building11 Technology Cardboard is a lightweight material that can12 be recycled. Its architectural and structural properties were the subject of research at the13 TU Delft. As part of this research, a pavilion had been designed and built entirely out of14 cardboard. This conference, organized in association with the Knowledge Centre for Paper15 and Board, took this pavilion as its focal point.16171819 January 10 February 2006 Franco Purinis Architectural Drawings Exhibition of Inizi, a series of sixteen ink drawings 40 x 40 cm on Schoeller paper21 board 70 x 50 cm. Franco Purini offers a reflection on the multi22 form and complex territory of architectural representation. This territory is intended as23 both theoretical practice and practical research. In comparison with the formal accu24 mulations and stratifications of his earlier drawings, the formal repertoire of Purini has 25 undergone a strong process of reduction and arrived at an abstraction of a new kind252627282930311234506 February 2006 Transformable building structures07 Doctoral thesis defended by Elma Durmisevic8910111213141516171819202122 February 05 March 2006 Desinner sur lherbe23 Exhibition2425262728


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