Toys for Chefs

Auteur: Patrice Farameh

Categorie:Sport & Hobby / Onderwerp: Lifestyle & Etiquette 257
Cover van het boek 'Toys for Chefs' van Patrice Farameh
Uitgevers ImageBooks, Tectum Publishers
Uitgavejaar 2011


If the materials make the artist, then the right cooking toysA can be the making of the chef. Chefs are as passionate about using the best tools for their craft as they are about the perfect ingredients used in their cuisine. This latest title in Tectum's acclaimed Toys series showcases incredible examples of technical innovation and modern technological aids for both the amateur and professional chef. Each spread unveils a beautiful array of high-tech appliances, stylish gadgets and cooking tools, dream kitchens and sci-fi cookers that have been influenced by cutting-edge product designers.


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