Twins Memory Game


Match The Twins!

Auteurs: Ester Eijkmans, Maaike Strengholt

Categorie:Kunst & Cultuur / Onderwerp: Kunst & Cultuur overig 80
Cover van het boek 'Twins Memory Game' van Ester Eijkmans en Maaike Strengholt
Uitgevers BIS Publishers, BIS Publishers B.V., BIS Publishers BV
Uitgavejaar 2005


A new variation to this familiar mind teaser. The objective in the Twins Memory Game is to find the most sets of identical twins. But be warned: identical twins are not always completely identical!

To win the game, you need to do more than just rely on your memory. When you find found a matching set, it is fascinating to study the portraits on the cards: you instantly notice the similarities but start searching for the differences.

For the game, Agnes Kappert has produced splendid and very naturalistic photographs of thirty sets of identical twins.


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